About us
PAA is an association that was organized to promote and expand knowledge in the field of modern digital orthodontics. It is a specialized branch of dentistry dealing with orthodontic treatment by means of the overlay method. Orthodontists, including long-time specialists, clinicians and university lecturers, took responsibility for the founding and development of PAA. These experienced individuals from different fields of orthodontics have united to form a group that offers support to its members. This cooperation makes it possible not only to acquire sound practical and theoretical knowledge, but also to strengthen the position of orthodontists in the rapidly developing world of modern technology. Together, they strive to make digital orthodontics more accessible and understandable to both professionals in the industry as well as patients using it.
Together we can do more!
All orthodontists and dentists involved in orthodontic treatment are welcome to join us. Passionate people who have or are gathering experience in working with overlay orthodontic systems – aligners, but also those who have just started using these systems and are at the beginning of this journey. Our minds are full of ideas that we continue to work to bring them to life.
Ab ovo
In February 2020, an idea was born that quickly took concrete shape – the Polish Aligner Academy (PAA). It was the beginning when the pandemic challenged association meetings, yet we started with a modest group of 8 people, full of enthusiasm and determination.
Our mission? To bring together the community of doctors who combine passion and professionalism in orthodontics, focus on innovative overlay techniques, advance in the field or simply explore it.
Three congresses are already behind us and each of them not only proved to be a success, but was also a unique event that will long be remembered by the participants. The elegance of the organization, the depth of the content and the unforgettable atmosphere of cooperation have made them special moments in our journey together.
We still have a long and fascinating journey ahead of us and a lot of work to do, but we are very motivated to keep going. We look forward to cooperating with reputable scientific societies, especially the Polish Orthodontic Society. We believe that our involvement in the branch of orthodontics, focused on overlay treatment, fits perfectly into this context of cooperation.
Aligner/overlay treatment is only a piece of the puzzle for orthodontics, but for some of us it is a key area of interest. A small association like PAA gives us a unique opportunity to have a “family” approach to collaboration, to give a sense of completeness and to create a pattern of interaction between us.
That’s why we thought it was worthwhile to establish a PAA. It is just the beginning of an adventure and we are full of enthusiasm and ideas. Extraordinary moments await us and the challenge that orthodontics presents to us is a source of inspiration and striving for excellence.